Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bou?s victory soured by team-mate?s crash

Toni Bou?s celebrations were both short and muted last night, despite the Repsol Montesa rider having just won the second round of the 2011 SPEA FIM X-Trial World Championship in a convincing fashion.

Bou?s thoughts turned almost immediately to his Japanese team-mate Takahisa Fujinami ? Repsol Montesa who had crashed heavily during the pair?s head to head race in the semi-final. Whilst the freak accident was in no way due to anything Bou had done, the twenty-four year old reigning champion was visibly concerned about the incident.

"Tonight has been a good victory for me, as it has been a difficult competition. Although I am very happy to take the win and to extend my lead in the championship, I am also very sad about what happened to Fujinami. I hope he is OK and that the injury is not too serious so he can return to Spain with the rest of the team tomorrow."

Fujinami was thrown over the handlebars during his final dual lane encounter that consisted of a series of low-level concrete blocks where the riders failed to reach any kind of real speed. Unfortunately for Takahisa, despite the relatively low risk section, the Japanese rider landed directly on his head, which caused injury to his neck.

Immediate medical attention at the section saw Fujinami helped to his feet by the paramedics, who had already fitted a neck brace as a precaution. Takahisa was then immobilised on a stretcher and transported to the local hospital for further checks.

Thankfully this morning it has been confirmed that Fujinami has been released from hospital with localised muscle damage to the neck only.

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