Monday, February 21, 2011

2011 International Female Ride Day

This year International Female Ride Day celebrates its fifth year of women riders getting on their motorcycles to JUST RIDE. With four years of history bringing awareness for women riders, the force created and expected for the fifth year of this globally synchronized action will be nothing less than phenomenal! More women, and more countries are including themselves in the campaign and those already participating are bumping up the game plan with expanded actions for Friday May 6th.

Countless women riders participate year after year delighting in their role to ?just ride? on International Female Ride Day. For them, this annual occasion is unlike any other motorcycle event and has become the activity ?not to be missed? in women riders? agendas. ?The growth and dedication each year of proud and enthusiastic participants who have supported the concept from the get-go, is wonderful. The excitement and enthusiasm for being part of the only global campaign for women riders continues to catch on like wildfire! Women devotedly prepare to ride and unite on this synchronized day around the world!? says Vicki Gray, the founder of the International Female Ride Day and of MOTORESS. ?For the 5th year we?ve included an image of the world to the yearly icon. This of course signifies the campaigns global action. It will also be the design on our very sought after collectible International Female Ride Day t-shirt?.

Since its introductory year in 2007 International Female Ride Day has experienced spectacular growth along with endorsement by key motorcycle industry leaders, renowned female rider clubs and international governing bodies such as Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM). ?We here at BMW Motorrad Canada are very proud to be a supporter of International Female Ride Day?, states Norman Wells, Director of BMW Motorrad Canada. ?For many years now we have deployed our own initiatives for female riders as we recognize this segment as a growing and very important one to overall success of the motorcycle industry. We wish all participants a great day and hope that MOTORESS will continue to experience growth with the event here in Canada and globally?, he adds.

The campaign?s growth continued even amidst a struggling world economy that heavily affected the motorsport industry at large. For this 5th edition, Vicki Gray observes the continuous recognition of the event. ?The popularity of this event comes from the concept that it invites women riders of all ages, styles and forms of motorcycling to take lead and play a role. Plus it?s a lot of fun! The campaign is a reality and it?s obvious by it?s participated numbers, it?s here to stay!? adds Vicki.

Sport bike, cruiser, scooter, off-road, touring or competition, regardless of what type or style of motorcycling interest, International Female Ride Day makes one simple request of women ? Just Ride! Get on your bikes, be out there and be visible. The concept has assembled its power and participation in this simple, worldwide-synchronized theme linking a chain of women through the shared activity of motorcycling. It's one day to celebrate and highlight the many numbers of women who share their passion for the sport. The fact that every female rider participating on May 6th is a role model for others not yet taken the step to enjoy motorcycling, has added to the event?s intentions and participation.

International FEMALE RIDE DAY ?fever? significantly magnifies each year and 2011 expects to host and welcome more riders and participants than in year?s prior. Canada, United States, Australia, England, The Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Poland, Israel, Qatar, Denmark and Russia as well as other countries will again be contributing to the campaign in compelling numbers. In 2010, International Female Ride Day was recognized by the Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM).

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