Sunday, March 13, 2011

More elbow surgery for Kubica | F1 Fanatic round-up

In today?s round-up: Kubica has another operation on his elbow.


Top F1 links from the past 24 hours:

Kubica has extra elbow surgery (Autosport)

?Robert Kubica has undergone a fourth operation in hospital in Italy.?

How committed to F1 is the BBC? (Doctorvee)

?There is also a myth that Formula 1 can be adequately covered by commercial broadcasters. Anyone who actually tried to sit down and watch a race on ITV will know that this is simply not true.?

The 2011 Motor Sport Hall of Fame (YouTube)

Follow F1 news as it breaks using the F1 Fanatic live Twitter app.

Comment of the day

Einarai shares my thoughts on yesterday?s sodden test at the Circuit de Catalunya:

Why doesnit heavy rain ever hit Barcelona during race time?

From the forum

VettelS has an idea for an F1 road trip.

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to Starosta, Armen and Pabs!

On this day in F1

Nelson Piquet won his home race in Brazil on this day in 1983.

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