Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Motegi MotoGP Round To Be Rescheduled After Japanese Quake

The catastrophic earthquake that hit northeastern Japan on March 11th caused devastation beyond comprehension to a large section of the Pacific nation, the tsunami the quake triggered adding further destruction. Even though the thoughts of everyone either involved in or following MotoGP were first and foremost with the nation of Japan and its people, they could not help but consider the fate of the Japanese Grand Prix, due to take place on April 24th.

The initial response of Dorna was the only sensible one: to wait and gather more information on the ground. As the scale of the devastation became clear, it became evident that racing would be impossible on the scheduled date. Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta told Mela Chercoles of Spanish sports daily AS that the decision lay in the hands of the Motegi circuit: "we will do what they ask us to do," Ezpeleta said.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MotoGPMatters/~3/7XFbLneu22o/motegi_motogp_round_to_be_rescheduled_af.html

Dario Ambrosini Ray Amm Luigi Ancona Bob Anderson

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