Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Demon's cycle Motorcycle Sweepstakes Launches New APAC Branding

Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC (1888PressRelease) June 14, 2011 - Distributors of the APAC brand of floor-covering adhesives are revving up for 2011 with a new stylish cool look in product packaging and marketing support materials, supported by a custom pro-street motorcycle sweepstakes promotion. "APAC adhesives represent a robust, well-respected brand known to floor-covering installers for its classic performance," said Product Manager Jeff Johnson. "Our new brand redesign reinforces this image, and product information is now available in English and Spanish." New products have also been added to complete the line.

To kick off the new look, the APAC brand is introducing a year-long sweepstakes promotion at the Surfaces 2011 trade show in January. Visitors can stop by Booth #B7064 and see the grand prize - a custom chopper designed by Thomas Steinbacher and built by Demon's Cycle of Pompano Beach, Florida. Throughout the year, each time an installer buys select APAC products, he or she will find a sticker attached. Information from the sticker can be submitted via the APAC Website at www.apacadhesives.com to find out if the installer has won a chance at the grand prize or one of several lesser prizes. The grand prize will be awarded at Surfaces 2012.

"The classic performance of this Demon's cycle motorcycle is a great match to the performance of APAC products," Johnson said. "We have a winning combination here, and we intend to have a great time with our customers while getting a lot of mileage out of the promotion."

About the APAC Brand
The APAC brand of flooring adhesives is a well-respected product line produced in Dalton, Georgia, the heart of the floor-covering manufacturing industry. The APAC brand is recognized for its innovative Vapor Master series of flooring adhesives, used to address multiple flooring types in fast-track construction. For more detailed information on APAC products, visit www.apacadhesives.com.


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Source: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/demon-s-cycle-motorcycle-sweepstakes-launches-new-apac-brand-pr-310421.html

Sadao Asami Giuseppe Ascareggi Franz Aschenbrenner Stuart Aspin

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