Wednesday, June 22, 2011

MotoGPBlog: a change of focus

MotoGPBlog throughout the 2008 and 2009 seasons built a small but active community around news of MotoGP, tipping contests, and reference information, such as track maps and stats.
Unfortunately, the amount of time and effort the blog took to maintain simply hasn?t been available to me in the past couple of seasons. Now, however, I plan to re-invent the blog, moving towards a more opinion- rather than news-led focus. There are plenty of sites out there with money, time and resources to do the news thing far better than I. If you are a reader of the original MotoGPBlog, and have made it through the wilderness (Rodeobiker!) thank you for sticking with me. If this is the first post you have read on the site, don?t take this navel-gazing for the standard fare. We talk bikes; prototype bikes; racing prototype bikes.
Regardless, old friend or new, I hope you?ll enjoy the re-vamped MotoGPBlog.

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Steve Bonsey Paul Bordes Juan Bordons Andrea Borgonovo

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