Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bonneville: Lightning Motorcycles Becomes the First Electric Motorcycle to Break 200 MPH

We just got a phone call from Richard Hatfield of Lightning Motorcycles saying that the “Flying Banana Mk. II” just put down a�205.238 mph pass at the Southern California Timing Associations’ Speed Week at Bonneville. This pass makes Lightning the first electric motorcycle manufacturer/competitor ever to break the 200 mph mark, whether it be on the tarmac or at the salt flats. If verified during tomorrow’s second pass, the speed would shatter the outright land ...

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AsphaltandRubber/~3/w1w8gQITwXg/

Dick Creith Bruno Cretti Thierry Crine Fernando Cristobal

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