Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rider Media Training Wins The Day

From the Berkeley PR Blog: an interesting PR take on the way MotoGP riders handled the Japanese GP questions at Brno. Following flat refusals to attend the GP a few weeks ago, the rider?s positions have softened as contractual realities have bitten, and the Dorna report on the radiation levels in Japan has been issued.

But as well-briefed and media-savvy professionals, Stoner, Lorenzo, Abraham and Rossi deftly responded using the A-B-C method. They (A) acknowledged the question, (B) bridged with a recap of their previous position, and then (C) communicated their points clearly and concisely. Such a change in position would automatically expose them all to criticism, but they were all so articulate none of the attending media could really find any points to argue.

So, they dug themselves out of a mess, but this nevertheless flags up how unprepared they were for the initial questions before the summer break.
via @smginger

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Guy Bertin Franco Bertoni Juan Bertran Willi Bertsch

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