Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2011 WSBK Miller FP2 Result: Camier Edges Corser As The Rain Stops

The second session of free practice started out wet, but conditions improved as the session progressed. The rain more or less stopped falling by the end, with riders improving their times rapidly. Leon Camier grabbed the top spot, finishing ahead of Troy Corser, the two men having alternated the lead for a good part of the session.

The weather is starting to lift, and conditions could be a little better for Superpole. 


Race Details

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MotoGPMatters/~3/70UHCtEvpJQ/2011_wsbk_miller_fp2_result_camier_edges.html

Michele Pirro Manuel Poggiali Patrick Pons Sito Pons

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