Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reusable Oil Filters - Can Going Green Improve Your Racing Program?

Reusable Oil Filters - Can Going Green Improve Your Racing Program?
Reusable Oil Filters - We Test New Filters From PurePower - Circle Track Magazine
Jeff Huneycutt shows off the latest in oil filter technology, the reusable filter

We can all probably agree that saving the earth is a good thing. Of course, giving up showers if you live in Alabama, or biking to work in January if you live in Maine probably aren't the best ideas. And does the stuff like switching off the light when you are going to be out of the room for 15 minutes really make that much of a difference anyway?

Photo Gallery: Reusable Oil Filters - We Test New Filters From PurePower - Circle Track Magazine

Photo Gallery: Reusable Oil Filters - We Test New Filters From PurePower - Circle Track Magazine

Source: http://www.circletrack.com/enginetech/ctrp_1106_reusable_oil_filters/index.html

Esteve Rabat Wayne Rainey Michael Ranseder Phil Read

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