Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 FIM Environment Award

2010 FIM Environment Award

The independent Jury for the FIM Environment Award met at the FIM headquarters to decide between the various candidates. The Jury was composed of:

- Mr Andrzej Witkowski, Member of the FIM Board
- Ms Jill Savery, Olympic Gold medallist and environmental consultant
- Mr Christopher H. Cordey, expert in sustainable strategy development

After having reviewed the 9 candidatures, the Jury decided to award Team Betti Moto from Italy for its impressive and great work in favour of electric motorcycling and its development. This awards? candidature was recognised for the following reasons:

- Recognising electric motorcycling is part of the future of motorcycling and is clearly linked to environmental protection by reducing emissions;

- Social aspects relate to educating young people about the negative impacts of thermic engines on the environment;

- Team Betti Moto have committed themselves to electric motorcycling since 1998: they have shown personal will, tenacity, dedication and commitment, both financially and with their time, to develop electric motorcycling and they became the first FIM e-Power International Championship winner;

- Team Betti Moto has clearly shown environmental and technical innovation.

A special mention was also given by the Jury to the Circuit of Catalunya (SPA), which had obtained a certified environmental management system (ISO14001-2004) recognition for their concrete actions to reduce the impacts of sports venues including:

- waste management (recycling);
- spectator impacts;
- waste oil recycling (restaurant);
- local food providers;
- encouraging spectators to ride bikes to the venue and more.

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