Friday, December 24, 2010

Register your F1 Fanatic account to vote in polls | F1 Fanatic updates

As of today, F1 Fanatic polls are only available to registered users.

Registering on F1 Fanatic

The first thing to know is if you have registered on the F1 Fanatic Forum you do not need to register again. Your log-in will work on all parts of the site.

If you wish to register an account you can do so via the ?Log in? link at the top right of the page:

Register your F1 Fanatic account now

You can also do so via the registration page on the forum.

Which way you register, your account will work the same and allow you to comment on the forum and vote in polls.

You do not need an account to comment on the blog.

Your email address and other details will not be passed on to any third parties.

At present third-party log-in options (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, OpenID) are not supported but if you?re keen to see this ? or have any questions ? do let me know in the comments.

The change is to help ensure that polls reflect the opinions of regular readers of F1 Fanatic.

There have been a few instances in the past 12 months of large groups of users from other sites voting en masse to manipulate poll results. This happened most recently with the ?Pass of the year? vote.

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Bob Anderson Chris Anderson Fergus Anderson Hugh Anderson

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