Friday, December 24, 2010

Successful Shoulder Surgery for Melandri

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Backmarker: Two days into winter, dreaming of spring? Backmarker: Two days into winter, dreaming of spring?

Gardiner is spending his winter hunting tires for his Honda Dream.

Speed Dating: December 20 ? 26 Speed Dating: December 20 ? 26

This week in Speed Dating: Happy birthday to Freddie Spencer, Hayden Gillim, Skip Van Leeuwen, Pascal Picotte, Broc Parkes, Ricky Graham, and remembering Gary Hocking.

Yamaha Monday Wake-Up Call: N.Z.?s Suzuki International Tri-Series Yamaha Monday Wake-Up Call: N.Z.?s Suzuki International Tri-Series

Superbikes, Supermoto, and Sidecars?oh my! Wake up with results from the weekend?s N.Z. Suzuki International Tri-Series.

Road Racerhead #51 Road Racerhead #51

CJ checks in with a collection of photos from the Long Beach IMS show.

Backmarker: Nine more shopping days? Backmarker: Nine more shopping days?

?The Twelve Days of Christmas,? motorcycle-style

SLIDESHOW: Umbrella Girls of the Week ? Fredrickson?s Fiat Foxes SLIDESHOW: Umbrella Girls of the Week ? Fredrickson?s Fiat Foxes

They come in ones, twos, and threes, and RRX photo editor Andrew Fredrickson gave the Fiat girls the nod for this week?s UG slideshow.

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