Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Paris Hilton Joins 125GP ? Hell Officially Freezes Over

According to the folks at Motocuatro, socialite Paris Hilton will be picking up where Antonio Banderas left off, and is set to unveil her 125GP team next Saturday. Officially Team SuperMartx� VIP by Paris Hilton, the unveiling of the team is to be held at the Hotel ME in Madrid, Spain. It’s not clear at this time where Hilton’s interest in motorcycle racing stems from (perhaps she is taking a page from, and one-upping,�Kim Kardashian’s ...

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AsphaltandRubber/~3/62ox1Vs_7Eg/

Kunihiro Amano Daniel Amatriain Dario Ambrosini Ray Amm

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