Monday, December 20, 2010

Ecclestone taken to hospital after mugging | Bernie Ecclestone

Bernie Ecclestone

Bernie Ecclestone

Several newspapers are reporting that Bernie Ecclestone was mugged in London on Wednesday night.

Ecclestone and girlfriend Fabiana Flosi had jewellery worth �200,000 stolen from them.

Ecclestone, who turned 80 last month, had to be taken to hospital with a head injury.

In 1996 thieves broke into Ecclestone?s house while he was at home with his family, punching and kicking him before stealing a ring from his (now former) wife Slavica.

Last month Jenson Button was the target of muggers during the Brazilian Grand Prix weekend. Ecclestone played down the incident at the time.

Read more: Button unharmed in attack

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