Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lorenzo impresses on four wheels

Jorge Lorenzo?s latest foray into the world of four-wheeled motorsport was a successful one for the 2010 MotoGP World Champion, as he took part in the 500km of Alca�iz on Sunday.

Having driven at Montmel� last month in the penultimate round of the Spanish Resistance Championship (CER), the 23 year-old Spaniard was again behind a steering wheel at the Motorland Arag�n circuit as he competed in the final stage of the 2010 season.

Driving for the Difisa Racing of Sabadell team and in control of an Abarth Assetto Corse, Lorenzo and team-mates Jos� Manuel de los Milagros and Antxel Echegoyen finished in a highly respectable second position in the D5 category. Another guest of honour to join the MotoGP World Champion as a special invitee was Formula 1 driver Jaime Alguersuari, who competed in the D1 category and placed fourth.

Team Director of the Difisa set-up Salvador Espinal said of Lorenzo?s display: ?Jorge?s development since his first drive at the Catalunya Circuit has been rapid. He?s learnt very quickly and has displayed a high level of concentration, and that?s why he is a World Champion. He?s learnt to take corner exits at high speed here, and this has resulted in his final position which placed him up there with some very fast drivers. Also to work with someone like Jorge is a great experience for the whole team.?

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